With the onset of the pandemic I have had a number of families consider taking their parents or spouse out of nursing homes. My heart goes out to these adult children who are not even allowed to hug their Mom or Dad. Window and video visits, while well intended pale in comparison to be able to see, touch and talk to your loved ones. The intent of this dragonian measure makes sense considering the fragility of many of the elderly however in hindsight it was wrong. The virus still got into almost every nursing home in this state. New York Attorney General Letitia James discovered that the actual number of nursing home deaths to more than 13,000 so far. I would want to get my Mom or Dad out of a nursing home too.
It is certainly possible to bring a loved one home. It just takes some good planning and a lot of courage. But I have seen it work and work well on several occasions. In "Brain & Life" they outline what it takes for a successful move out of a nursing home.
Don't forget to ask for help with such massive undertaking - family, friends, neighbors may be more willing to help then you think. Professionals such as Geriatric Care Managers or elderly care attorneys can provide valuable resources and insight.